Harwood North Dakota
· ☕ 279  words stories 4/4 

I wrote this after listening to an NPR interview with people in
Harwood, North Dakota in 1997 after floods had surrounded the entire
town. As it later turned out, 1997 was one of the better years.

Kathy's Waltz
· ☕ 312  words wedding 3/4 

Written for the wedding of one of my sisters. She teaches kindergarten
and some of the children were worried that she would leave after she
got married.

Melancholy Dancer
· ☕ 272  words sadness 6/8 

Thinking about people who can’t recover from sadness and listening to
an eclectic mix of music from Sibelius tone poems to Portuguese Fado.

Meridan Road
· ☕ 394  words home 3/4 

Written about an old farmhouse in New Hampshire. Some people grow up
and leave their childhood homes without a further thought. Others
seem to grow up and have left their hearts behind.

· ☕ 281  words Life 3/4 

Mondays. Everyone’s “favorite” day of the week

My Streets
· ☕ 233  words home 3/4 

You can never go home again. Or, if you do, it has changed and is not
the place you left.

Now or Later
· ☕ 293  words religion 4/4 

Written for a friend thinking about the meaning of God.

One True Ogre
· ☕ 233  words fun songs english country dance 3/4 

The Ogre is San Francisco Bay Area English Country Dance slang for the Dancemaster at the English Country Dance Playford Ball. If you don’t know what English Country Dance is, think of the kind of dancing you might see in movies like “Pride and Prejudice”.