That which can be destroyed by the truth should be?
· β˜• 208  words life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
Author Pat Hodgell in her book Godstalk has a character say “That which can be destroyed by the truth should be.” I think we can probably all agree that often little white lies can keep relationships from blowing up, so maybe the statement is too broad. But during the disputes about fake news and lies on Facebook and Twitter, maybe we should look at the corollary: “That which is created by lies shouldn’t be”.

Use the Right Tool For the Job
· β˜• 327  words life politics  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
When all you know is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In the most recent case, the UK managed to drop almost 16,000 COVID-19 cases from their result compilation because they were using Excel in the data gathering process. Excel has a limit on the number of rows or columns and apparently the amount of data exceeded one or the other of those limits. A BBC Report claims that the row limit was breached because someone chose to use a very old file format.

We Are All Bit Players In Other People's Plays
· β˜• 334  words life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
Most of us are the main character in the plays running through our heads. As those scenes happen and as we review them later, all the other people are either focused on us or are NPCs (non-playing characters). And that’s fine so long as we remember that while our play is happening, every other person is the center of their own play and we are not the main character in their plays.

Missing from the working from home debate
· β˜• 334  words life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
There have been lots of discussions about whether employees are more or less efficient working from home. I certainly see lots of comments from people who are happier left alone to work from home. I also see occasional comments from parents trying to juggle working from home, helping their kids learning from home and how all the distractions at home get in the way of being efficient. What I have not seen is the impact on new young workers of not having informal face time training.

I Can Learn From Anyone
· β˜• 558  words life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
I’m an infovore. I take in a lot of information (or in the words of my sister-in-law - “more useless crap”) and occasionally it makes new patterns that I can learn from. Its not just written information. I can learn watching two carpenters do things differently. I can learn from listening to different conversations about practically anything (maybe not sports because I really don’t care). It doesn’t matter the socioeconomic level, intelligence level or age level.

Hubris or Aspiration
· β˜• 486  words life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
There is a trope throughout history about hubris. Wikipedia defines it as “foolish pride, dangerous overconfidence or arrogance”. The Encyclopedia Britannica has a more nuanced definition: “overweening presumption that leads a person to disregard the divinely fixed limits on human action in an ordered cosmos.” The general theory of the trope is that hubris will lead to your downfall. As examples, in Greek mythology, think Icarus flying too close to the sun; in Christian theology think the fall of Lucifer.

Make the Chili
· β˜• 300  words life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
There is a Carrie Newcomer song called “Forever Ray” where the wife (Ella) shooes the husband (Ray) out of the house and suggests that since it is a nice day, maybe he could do something in the yard. So Ray goes out and buys a little cement statue of a rabbit on its hind legs holding a tray. Then everyday he leaves Ella a note on the tray held down by a stone with just something to say that he loves her.

Woe is You
· β˜• 402  words politics life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
Terry Pratchett once said “Satire is meant to ridicule power. If you are laughing at people who are hurting, it’s not satire, it’s bullying.” I absolutely agree. At the same time, I want you to think about the phrase “people who are hurting”. Let’s assume that someone is hurting but it is not “justifiable” in your mind. Have you now decided that they aren’t really hurting? There seems to be a tendency by both parties to a disagreement to deny the reality of any hurt feelings by the other side and claim that they are the only side that has the right to feel hurt.

What is Respect?
· β˜• 662  words life  · ✍️ Peter Hiltz
I was reading an interchange on social media the other day about a shoplifting incident at a Lowe’s. In the discussion was a short interchange that got me thinking. One commentor said don’t bother reporting it to the police because they won’t do anything. Another commentator responded this is what happens when people don’t respect the police. My first thought was “What does respecting police have to do with shoplifting”. Then I wondered whether the second commentator was saying you don’t respect the police the police will not respond i.

· β˜• 281  words Life 3/4 

Mondays. Everyone’s “favorite” day of the week